Sunday, February 27, 2011



Hootenanny is an Appalachian colloquialism that was used in early twentieth century America to refer to things whose names were forgotten or unknown. In this usage it was synonymous with thingamajig or whatchamacallit, as in "hand me that hootenanny." Hootenanny was also an old country word for "party".

I love this word. Fun to say. Fun to hear my kids say.'s an amazing dish that I found in this book that I won. So many fun recipes and great hosting (hostessing?) ideas.

Hootenany has become somewhat of a fun Sunday morning tradition for us.
I love messing with the recipe a bit and adding different things.
Maple syrup. Cinnamon and vanilla (fave).
And the kids love it. Happy mom. Happy kids.

I love weekends. Started out with a much needed girl date. Me and my lovelies. We went to a yummy Japanese restaurant - hibachi style. So fun. They loved the food the atmosphere and it was a blast to spend some time with them. I love my girls!

We planted our garden today. In February. Hoping it doesn't frost... really hoping.

I love doing this as a family.

The kids each pick out a couple veggies, plant and tend (ideally) them.

Usually it's Jason or I tending them...or just Jason...or neither?!

I have a self professed black thumb.
It's lethal.
I shouldn't have any excuses. I'm not huge pregnant, I don't have newborn...
should work
here's hoping!

Anyway...full is good!

I'm really hoping that my massive amount of pictures this week will distract you from the fact that I missed yesterday's post. 29 posts in 30 days? Maybe I'll do two in one day...or maybe not...?!

1 comment:

Amy said...

#1. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Kylie's cute!
#2. Shorts in February? SO.NOT.FAIR.
#3. I miss you tons and love you lots!