Thursday, March 17, 2011


Yes, that's right - not a typo...
we have officially been referred and accepted
twin baby girls. Oh my. So excited. Blessed. Humbled.
They are about 4 months old, and
take-your-breath-away adorable.

It's amazing how instantly we fell in love.
My girls.

I hope to write more, a lot more, later.
But my parents are flying in just about an hour and I plan to fully soak up the time with them and probably not blog until they go back to Washington.

In the meantime, though, take a look at these links...
just a few fun ways you can help us bring these girls home!!

Some seriously good coffee, and seriously cute gear

Remember this post? Still raising money and giving away the beautiful hand crafted quilt!

Love these T's - so cute and hip and fun...with a great message! Just click away and select the Thompson's in the affiliate box at checkout!

Thanks so much!!!

Did I mention how crazy wonderfully excited we are! Twins....7 wild - love it!!!


Jill said...

It is amazing when you get that picture and you just know they belong to you!

MarySuz said...

so amazing! God just knew all along that He wanted to bless you guys like this, didn't he?

Billy said...

yay yay yay!!! and it's true - they really are adoreable! billy just got back today with william so i haven't had a chance to ask him about the pics & video but will do so ASAP :)