Caleb and his dart gun (which we have three of now) - makes for great family "bonding!"
As you can see, it's been a busy month. Birthdays, the Zoo, getting settled it - I can't believe it's almost October! The weather is finally starting to cool down here and we are spending a lot of time outside riding bikes and playing in the yard. The kids are making friends in the neighborhood - there are two sets of 3 girls the same age as Kylie and Macey that live within three houses of us , and a 4 year old boy just down the street for Caleb to play with. It's fun to watch them develop and branch out.
We took Micah to an orthopedic specialist for his arm a week or so ago. The Doc disagreed with our Dr. in Seattle at opted to cast Micah's arm to see if it would set/grow into place as he developed. After the initial x-ray that same day, he realized he had casted the arm in the wrong position. So, they sawed (yikes) the cast off and it ended up hurting/burning Micah's arm. At that point, as two slightly distressed and unhappy parents, we discussed the info further and decided to seek a 3rd opinion to see if we can have two specialists agree. After researching hospitals a bit, we have an appointment at Duke Medical University (about two hours away) on Nov. 4th and a Genetics appointment at the same place the day before. We have a bit more peace about this decision. The hospital is highly rated and our phone experience has been really positive so far. If you think of it, please continue to pray that we will listen and hear and know what decisions to make concerning his care.
We are continuing to attend Morning Star Church. As we make more friends and connections, it is starting to feel more normal, more like home for the time being. I still deeply miss the closeness and intimacy of my friends at The Bridge, but know that this is where God has us for right now. I'm excited to see what He has set out for us to learn and receive and give and do...both at the church and in our every day life. Bring on the adventure!!!
Until Later -- D-
thanks for the updates, the kids look amazing. we love and miss you all.
The weather might be getting nicer, but it is still sticky to me. I had a great time at T and J's and renewing the relationship with the Z-man. I was hoping to see you guys, but I guess that'll have to wait for another time. Glad to see you guys are making new friends and plugging in. Blessings.
I second Daddio's thoughts...we love and miss you all in amazing ways!!
You all look great and sound even better!
Great pictures! Your kids are growing so fast I can hardly believe it.
haha I love the disco move by that one groupie.
Kylie's underwear face was to LOL for! so funny...
and it looks like you have a lot of fun with your kidlets!
(seeing them makes me want to start having some too.)
Oh I love Fancy Nancy books.. they are so cute :-)
Thank you very much for sharing.
Through your blog, a lot of people including me of course have a chance to read and learn
I have read some of your post and I really enjoyed reading it.
Thanks again and looking forward for more of your posting soon!
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