Friday, July 27, 2007


So - it was 6:30 this morning - I was sitting outside with my half-calf Folgers (I know, very sacrilegious) coffee and my bible. I had just gotten back from a bike ride and was thinking about the day. The main thought was ---"Aghhhhhhhhhh." I wonder - is it a bad sign if you've been up for only an hour, haven't spoken more than two words to another human being, and already overwhelmed? I think maybe it's not so good. But then, about two hours later I got these pics....Kind of hard to not have a good day when these are the guys you get to spend it with....


Anonymous said...

Okay... Micah is such a perfect addition to your family!!
No one with four kids doesn't deserve an aghhhh every now and then!
I only have one (mind you a loud 1) and I still think I deserve an aghhh every now and then!

Nadine said...

You are an amazing mom. Besides you made the most beautiful children. I love these pictures.

Shadraq said...

ol' Mini Jay has kind of an "Alfalfa" thing going on :)

Emancipation of the Freed said...

You know a tree by the fruit it bears. I see beautiful fruit from a great tree!


Anonymous said...

I love you Danni, you're awesome :)

Unknown said...

I've been overwhelmed for 10 years... I know that feeling!

One day, one step at a time.

One hour, one breath at a time.

Whatever it takes...

EM said...

Those are some of the most adorable smiles!

redeemed diva said...

Loved this post. I could completely identify with it. Just wish you could tell the world stop and have it freeze frame so you can think for just a sec.
Great shots of your kids--our children's smiles put it all in perspective, eh?

kittyhox said...

That photo of the foursome is one of the cutest photo I've ever seen!