Today was a pretty good day - all things considered. Despite the fact that my hips feel like they are being spread by one of those chest opening devices you see on doctor shows and little Micah seems convinced the way out is through my belly button (ouch), I still got up, went for a walk, made a good breakfast, got some "nesting" done and washed a ton of clothes, all while maintaining four kids and keeping all of us pretty happy. Not bad, if you ask me. Then (insert suspenseful music here)....Dinner time hit.
Most parents know very well what I am talking about. It's like your children become overcome with the spirits of neediness and naughtiness all at the same time. Macey was wanting "bup" (up) and following me around with her blanket and crying every time I tried to tell her that no - mommy has raw hamburger on her hands and is peeling potatoes. She even said sweetly "mommy" and then spit at me. That didn't fly....nuf said. The two older kids were playing nicely, albeit messily, but nicely until 6 o'clock. Then it was constant screaming and hitting and fighting and yikes....mommy loosing her mind. Seriously - what is it about having to get things done that brings this out? Who knows, maybe it's character building, but ouch, can't it be build someway else.
Anyway, we mostly recovered by the time the meatballs were done and the potatoes mashed and the table set. Kylie likes to help set the table and for some reason we had messed up the number of plates, so she "returned" one and went back to her business of setting out the napkins. Then she wanders back in and asks for another plate. "why," I asked, "I gave you the right amount." "Mom, I need a plate for God." So, I give her a plate and follow her to the table where God received a scoop and mashed potatoes and a meatball - but no gravy.
Not only was this a very cute scene, but it made me think. How often do I make room for God in the midst of every day situations - even the crazy, psychotic dinner hour. My brother has a chair in his house that is for Jesus. His three year old has known this chair was for Jesus since he could talk. The more I think about it, the more I realize the merit. Aiden has known, and will know all his life that God has honored place in his physical home, and I am sure that this will transpire to a very honored place in his life. What an amazing thing to be able to teach our kids - that even though we can't see Him with our physical eyes, we need to include him in everything - even in the dinner time craziness and the mashed potatoes! So, thanks Kylie, thanks Aiden for bringing to light this truth that we as adults tend to overlook!